Grey sky with her stars
Endless grey, spotted wall
goes on and on and on.
Disinfectant in the air,
noses wrinkle,
The smell of death.
They step into a room with a bed,
Grandma with her white light hair,
under light bulbs, pale.
Her skin so thin, one leg out of the bed.
Truth in her eyes, she keeps telling lies.
She is not fine but they won’t
argue with the fragile ghost of herself.
The clock is ticking on the grey wall.
Their eyes flash back and forth:
tick tock tick tock.
Her eyes are counting her stars.
When the hour is gone, guests are leaving,
nurses telling her to sleep.
As they retrieve,
she refuses to see their relief.
Closing her eyes she can see her stars.
Even then when they leave.

I saw it coming,
I knew it came.
I saw its light,
yellow and bright.
It was written on the screen.
I didn’t see you going,
there was no hint,
no clue.
I didn’t see that red, that dark,
nor that angel blue.
To me,
it was a normal Sunday.
To you,
it was the final.
You sat next to me,
you left. I stayed.
I cried. You died.
How can you do this to us?
Or to your family?
Most importantly of all,
how can you do it to yourself?
Did you have anyone, anything?
What got you leaving,
what kept you from staying?
How many are there
wailing after you?
I am. I might not be
entitled to say it.
But. I am.
This is my stance:
You should have given me
a chance,
I would have listened to
your story.
But how could have you known
I was there
next to you?
We had not met.
But because we hadn’t,
we are in the same story now.
With only one to tell it.

The shape of my heart
and the shape
of your soul
don’t match
in our arms
but we force them to glow.
We are more like sisters, two pros,
misters with green clothing, we’re
bolder. A soldier, does
what it takes to keep warm
in the midst of war.
We unite, ignite, a lighted match,
creates warmth, soft glow,
on a camp at the wintery forest.
Others die around us. They freeze
and we burn.
I hate you, you despise me,
and yet, through the cold nights
we love each other like no other
has ever loved before.
Next day, on a battlefield,
creeping through
the spiked fence,
nettling at each other, we
are a bomb. A bomb
about to explode
at a battlefield
we had worked towards together
only to now disclose our case
to the common enemy.
Within seconds, two bombs paint the sky
red. Fire above our home; a mismatched love.

Teksti: Annukka Mäkeläinen
Kuvat: Annukka Mäkeläinen